As part of our brief to provide advice and inspiration on how to transform Australia’s mental health service systems, TAMHSS members have produced a range of proposals and conference presentations and submissions to government inquiries.

Neurofeedback for post-traumatic stress disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical and neurophysiological outcomes
Mirjana Askovic, Nerissa Soh, James Elhindi & Anthony W.F. Harris

NSW Emergency Psychiatry Network
Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry RANZJP Vol 57, Issue 3 March 2023 Jacqueline Huber, Christopher James Ryan, Rahul Gupta, Alan Rosen, Tad Tietze, Kathryn Drew, Tanya Ahmed and Michaela Skopek Emergency Psychiatry is evolving. In an environment that lacks a clear evidence base, and where a constellation

Co-Leadership to Co-Design in Mental Health-Care Ecosystems: What Does it Mean to Us?
By Alan Rosen & Douglas John Holmes August 2022 This study aims to demonstrate how service providers, service users and their families should be able to share the co-leadership, co-auspicing, co-ownership, and co-governance, of a the mental health-care ecosystem, at every level, as it develops upwards and wider, in a

IMHCN Optimal Balance Between Digital & Face to Face – Post COVID and Climate Change Adversity
By Professor Alan Rosen AO October 2020 Outlining recommendations for an optimal balance between face-to-face, assertive outreach and digitally enhanced community focussed mental health services.

Call for a Comprehensive National Mental Health Plan to respond to the COVID 19 Pandemic
The aim of this article is to provide a framework and analysis of a series of critical components to inform the future design, development, sustaining, and monitoring of community mental health services. We should adopt a health ecosystems approach to mental healthcare and training, encompassing nano to macrolevels of service

Joint Statement – Re-Imagining Mental Health Systems for the Human Future Post-COVID-19
By 28 I-CIRCLE signatories 2020 The International City and urban Regional Collaborative (I-CIRCLE) is a consortium of mental health system leaders and managers founded by the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL). I-CIRCLE is a growing network for sharing lessons learned to integrate mental health capacity within the work

Supporting Arguments, Experiences and Lessons to Global Action Plan
Coalition of International Organisations incl TAMHSS Jan 2021

The Interpretation of Beds: More Bedtime Stories, or Maybe They’re Dreaming?
Alan Rosen, Daniel Rock and Luis Salvador-Carulla December 2020 Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry ANZJP; Vol 54 Issue 12 :1154-1156. doi:10.1177/0004867420969813 The Australian mental health system is weathering a deep crisis that places us at a critical juncture. The decisions to be made in the coming months could

The Future of Community Psychiatry and Community Mental Health Services
Current Opinion in Psychiatry Alan Rosen, Neeraj S. Gill, and Luis Salvador-Carulla Volume 33 Number 4 July 2020 The aim of this article is to provide a framework and analysis of a series of critical components to inform the future design, development, sustaining, and monitoring of community mental health services.

For Indigenous Communities, Climate Crisis Could Prove Calamitous
Alan Rosen, AO, MBBS May 2020 Clinical Psychiatry News Drought, fires, and pandemics lead to anxiety, depression, trauma Indigenous peoples, whether living traditionally or assimilated, are among the first to be adversely affected by climate change. This is because, in part, of extreme poverty, inadequate housing, unemployment and other social

Climate Changes are Leading to ‘Eco-Anxiety,’ Trauma
Alan Rosen, AO, MBBS April 2020 Clinical Psychiatry News Reflection on the mental health implications of climate change, such as ‘solastalgia’ as the emotional pain, existential distress, loss, and grieving derived from rapid and severe changes in one’s geophysical environment or familiar habitat. Psychiatric consequences to experiencing climate impacts

NSW Emergency Psychiatry Network
Royal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry RANZJP Vol 57, Issue 3 March 2023 Jacqueline Huber, Christopher James Ryan, Rahul Gupta, Alan Rosen, Tad Tietze, Kathryn Drew,Tanya Ahmed and Michaela Skopek Emergency Psychiatry is evolving. In an environment that lacks a clear evidence base, and where a constellation

Patterns of Mental Healthcare Provision in Rural Areas: A Demonstration Study in Australia and Europe
February 2023 Frontiers in Psychiatry Jose A. Salinas-Perez1, Mencia R. Gutierrez-Colosia, Carlos R. Garcia-Alonso1, Mary Anne Furst, Hossein Tabatabaei-Jafari, Jorid Kalseth, David Perkins, Alan Rosen, Daniel Rock and Luis Salvador-Carulla Mental healthcare systems are primarily designed to urban populations. However, the specific characteristics of rural areas require specific strategies, resource

Dominos: Mental Health Impacts of Australia’s Environmental Crises
Alan Rosen, AO, FRANZCP April 2021 Psychiatry Times Australia’s cascading environmental crises are all likely effects of climate change. How can psychiatrists and other mental health stakeholders respond? Studies suggest that it may be more difficult to recover resilience from recurrent knocks than from a single event. Taken together, adverse
Papers: International Collaboration

Post-COVID Local and Global Action Plan for fundamental change in Mental Health
Coalition of International Organisations incl TAMHSS Dec 2020

Supporting Arguments, Experiences and Lessons to Global Action Plan
Coalition of International Organisations incl TAMHSS Jan 2021