About Us

We are a network of a wide range of people involved in the mental health field including: clinicians, peer workers, advocates and people with lived experience of mental health conditions.

Our Purpose

To provide an independent forum to increase and sustain the momentum for reform and to encourage the Australian community to participate in the transformation of the Australian mental health service system.

We recognise the cultural diversity of the many Australian communities, and the importance of engaging them in awareness of their own mental health and prevention and early intervention of mental illness, related stigma and discrimination. We also recognise the many special needs for services to deal with complex disorders.

Our Objectives

  1. Provide a means for the Australian Community to become involved in the transformation of our mental health service systems.
  2. Promote the rights of all consumers and families to receive services they need.
  3. Promote a wide and consistent range of high quality mental health services across all age groups and throughout the country.
  4. Promote interventions which are based on best practice as determined by both quantitative and qualitative evidence.
  5. Promote a service delivery system that is integrated at every level including participation of all service sectors (public, private & NGO).
  6. Promote the right of equity of access to all.
  7. Promote a regional funding system and methodologies that provide adequate quality, control of both budget and expenditure, and transparent accountability, all of which should be independently monitored.
  8. Promote recovery-oriented service systems which focus on the goals of social inclusion and citizenship.

Our Origins

The TAMHSS network evolved from people who participated in TheMHS (Mental Health Services) Conferences. The initial meeting was held on 3 September 2009 with 48 attendees and 16 originating foundation members.

TAMHSS Activities

  • Seeking and reporting news on the political process to achieve reform;
  • Suggesting actions that members can take individually or collectively;
  • Coordinating surveys to gather service information;
  • Commissioning papers and articles to advocate the case for reform;
  • Holding events to promote debate and to publicise the issues;
  • Issuing media releases and providing spokes-people;
  • Using public relations methods to place stories in the media

Communication is predominately electronic to enable active national participation and to keep cost as low as possible.